Duane J. Lacey

Duane J. Lacey
PH D. Philosophy Consultant
DUANE J. LACEY, PH.D., was born on the 9th of January, 1980, United States; he earned his BA (2001), MA (2004) and PhD (2007) in Philosophy from The New School for Social Research, New York, NY.
Dr. Lacey has worked and taught at both faculty and administrative levels in different countries and institutions, including: St. John’s College (Annapolis, MD, United States), Bifröst University (Bifröst, Iceland), Grigol Robakidze University (Tbilisi, Rep. of Georgia), United Arab Emirates University (Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, UAE), American University of Central Asia (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan); and he ıs currently working as Philosophy Consultant to the IŞIK PSİKİAYTRİ Clinic (Istanbul, Turkey).
Dr. Lacey’s papers and/or publications have thus far been on topics in the History of Philosophy, History and Philosophy of Science, Ancient Philosophy and Mathematics, Technology and Culture, Analytic Philosophy and Politics, Philosophy of War, Narrative and Cultural Theory; his current research is in the History and Philosophy of Psychology (both Theory and Practice).